Certification software: BVTQ

Certification made easy

The BVTQ association needed an application for its certification program. This should map and track certifications and certified members and have all data in one place.

What we did





The task

Construction of certification software in which certificates can be mapped (requirements, scoring). The data and certificates of the members are to be stored and the certificates are to be assigned to the respective members. The data of the members should be imported automatically from the Easyverein software and the certificates and membership data should be listed on the website.

The solution

A cloud solution where the certificate and membership data is stored and processed. The data is imported via API from Easyverein. Issued certificates and defined membership data were listed on the club website via a WordPress plugin.



The certificates, their conditions and the according graphical output can be easily defined.

Membership data

Member data and your confirmations are stored and editable in one place.


All membership data is automatically read from Easyverein via API.

Worpress connection

The certificates and the certified members are displayed on the WordPress page.